JURA Cool Control

JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control
JURA Cool Control

JURA Cool Control

from $299.00

Elegantly cool your milk for silky, airy foam.

- Milk based specialty SYPCOFFEE drinks come out beautifully
when milk is kept fresh at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit before heating
- JURA’s Cool Control automatically cools milk to 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit
- Keeps temperature stable, preventing freezing and saving energy
- Connects to JURA’s with Frothing Capabilities
(this includes all SYPCOFFEE JURA’s except the A1)
- 0.6L, 1L, or 2.5L Stainless Steel Container is easy to remove for storing in refrigerator and cleaning
- Available in Black or White (2.5L Black Only)

One, JURA Cool Control (0.6L, 1L or 2.5L)

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